Rani Supriya, a 39-year-old woman from Darbhanga, Bihar, found herself in a tumultuous marriage after tying the knot with Rakesh Kumar from Sitamarhi in 2014. Prior to their marriage, she was misled about her husband’s income, only to realize the truth later on. Despite holding an MBA degree, she endured abuse and violence from her husband and in-laws, facing financial extortion and physical assaults.


Rani Supriya’s ordeal unfolded gradually as she discovered discrepancies in her husband’s income and faced the harsh reality of domestic abuse. Despite being promised a comfortable life, she endured physical assaults and financial exploitation from her husband and his family. The situation escalated to the extent that she was forced to confide in her father, leading to further confrontations and violence. Seeking refuge, she reached out to the Bihar Legal Network in 2022 for legal assistance. Subsequently, a case was filed under domestic violence and dowry harassment at the Darbhanga Court on June 6, 2022. This legal intervention marked a turning point in her struggle, offering her a path towards justice and relief from the harrowing circumstances she endured.


In 2022, the victim, Rani Supriya, reached out to the EVA foundation seeking legal assistance. The founder of the EVA, Savita Ali,was contacted for help in addressing the legal matter, which was under the jurisdiction of the Darbhanga Court. Subsequently, the advocate associated with the Bihar Legal Network informed Sanchita Kumari, the lawyer, about the case. Pursuant to this, a case was filed in the Darbhanga District Court under the charges of dowry harassment and domestic violence on June 6,2022.


Following the initiation of legal proceedings, the victim’s in-laws attended the Darbhanga court, where a mediated settlement was reached between the husband and wife. During the proceedings, the victim’s lawyer sternly warned her husband against any future abusive behaviours, emphasizing the consequences of legal action. As a result of the mediation, the victim expressed her desire to return home to her in-laws’ residence, pleading for reconciliation. Since then, the atmosphere within the household has transformed significantly. The victim now finds herself happily residing with her in-laws, fostering a sense of harmony and understanding among all family members, including her children and husband. This positive outcome stands as a testament to the effectiveness of legal intervention in resolving familial disputes and restoring peace within the home.


Rani Supriya’s journey from victimhood to empowerment is a testament to the transformative power of legal intervention and support services. Through her courageous decision to seek assistance from organizations like the EVA Foundation and the Bihar Legal Network, she not only found justice but also reclaimed her dignity and security.The successful resolution of her case, culminating in a mediated settlement and a harmonious return to her in-laws’ home, underscores the importance of legal advocacy and mediation in addressing domestic violence and dowry harassment. Moreover, it highlights the pivotal role played by dedicated professionals like Savita Ali and Sanchita Kumari in ensuring access to justice for vulnerable individuals like Rani Supriya.As we celebrate Rani Supriya’s newfound happiness and stability, it is imperative to recognize the ongoing need for robust legal frameworks, community support networks, and awareness campaigns to combat gender-based violence and protect the rights of women across India. By standing together and advocating for change, we can create a future where every individual can live free from fear and oppression, and where justice prevails for all.